Health Policy Institute Posts Resource Page on Issue 3

On November 8th, Ohioans will vote on Issue 3 – a ballot initiative creating a state constitutional amendment aimed at preserving individual health care freedom. 

 In order to help Ohioans become better informed about the issue, the Health Policy Institution of Ohio (HPIO) has created a nonpartisan resource page on its website with diverse analysis and information about the issue. 

HPIO was founded to provide state policymakers with the independent information and analysis they need to make informed health policy. In the case of a state ballot initiative, Ohio voters are the policymakers. And given that Issue 3 is a health policy issue, the Institute wants to make unbiased information and analysis accessible to all Ohio voters. 

 To provide perspectives on Issue 3, HPIO has included analysis from Maurice Thompson, executive director of the 1851 Center for Constitutional Law,
and Janetta King, president of Innovation Ohio. Additional analysis will be posted to the web site as it becomes available.




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