Volunteer & DO Your Part

We need you to DO your part! The mission of the Ohio Osteopathic Association is to promote the distinctive philosophy and practice of osteopathic medicine in Ohio. To achieve our mission, we need your help. Our physicians are the most highly trained and educated professionals (in health care or otherwise) so we need to share this with the state of Ohio.

Please consider moving the profession forward in any of the following ways:


The Membership Committee will coordinate statewide membership projects and consider membership enhancements. It will meet approximately three times annually. All members are eligible to participate. Meetings may be in person or via videoconference.


Help develop continuing medical education programs for your fellow physicians. The OOA strives to deliver well-constructed education programs that offer clinically relevant, innovative, and timely information that physicians can immediately put to use in their practice.


This ad hoc committee will serve as a resource during the state’s rebidding of managed care contracts. Members should have experience providing care to Medicaid patients and be willing to provide feedback regarding methods to enhance care quality and operational efficiency.


We’re continually seeking experts with special knowledge, experience, or interest regarding insurance, Medicaid, scope of practice issues, physician payment, and pharmacology among other topics. Your participation could include testimony at the Statehouse, interested party meetings, legislation review, media engagement, etc.

Physicians who agree to testify before the Ohio General Assembly will do so on the record in a public setting. Participation in this advocacy activity will be shared with the membership and general public through various OOA communication platforms. 


The OOA is expanding its CME offerings. Your patient-centered expertise underscores the osteopathic approach to wellness. Share your knowledge with your peers. Register your interest in serving as a lecturer at a CME seminar.


Take a few minutes to tell us about emerging medical topics and issues you’d like to learn more about. What patient ailments do you see most often that could be addressed through educational programming? What treatment modalities would you like to have covered at a CME event?


Get the next osteopathic generation off to a great start by allowing interested undergraduate students to shadow you. Many COMs require applicants to get to know a DO and request a letter of recommendation as part of the application process. This provides students with exposure to the osteopathic profession and enhances awareness of the osteopathic medical philosophy.

Students seeking a DO to shadow should submit their request here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2024OOAShadowing


Many medical students scramble to find—and pay for—housing while doing rotations away from their home site. It’s a similar situation when it’s time for residency interviews as the costs for transportation, lodging, meals, and application fees add up. You can help by providing an osteopathic medical student with a free place to stay.

This OOA-assisted housing service connects interested medical students with volunteer physician hosts. This program is neither associated with nor coordinated by any college of osteopathic medicine. The transaction is between the student and physician without any guarantees from the OOA or the student’s college of osteopathic medicine.

Students seeking a host should contact hweber@OhioDO.org with the location and duration.


Do you have suggestions for a Mindfulness Monday topic or presenter? Or perhaps you have your own hobby or technique to relieve stress that you’d like to share. 

Mindfulness Mondays is a free online wellness program for OOA members to focus on acts of self-care.


In 2019, the Ohio Department of Medicaid (ODM) released a request for information (RFI) to gather public input as it selects new managed care partners. ODM’s first step in the process was to collect feedback on current Medicaid services, what is working, and ideas for improvement. The RFI was a 10-page document that included questions for enrollees, the general public, and providers. To make it easier to respond, the OOA developed an online form with only the physician-specific questions. The completed forms were consolidated and submitted to ODM by the July 31 deadline. Later, ODM announced it will continue to collect feedback regarding its managed care program. OOA members are invited to complete the online form. Comments will be forwarded to ODM on an ongoing basis.